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Blockchain for Computational EconomicsDKU Field Trip to Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc.

On Blockchain We Trust, DKUer Learn Beyond Boundaries

Published onApr 04, 2023
Blockchain for Computational EconomicsDKU Field Trip to Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc.

Blockchain for Computational Economics

DKU Field Trip to Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc.



On Blockchain We Trust

智链万物 信至行远

DKUer Learn Beyond Boundaries

昆山杜克 学无边界

I. Introduction 活动摘要

Duke Kunshan University (DKU) is committed to providing students with unparalleled learning opportunities that prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world. On Mar 24, 2023, DKU students from Prof. Luyao Zhang’s interdisciplinary and research-oriented course COMPSCI/ECON 206 Computational Microeconomics had the unique opportunity to visit Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc. Through this immersive experience, the students were able to learn firsthand about the various applications of blockchain technology and its disruptive impact on industries ranging from finance, the cultural and creative industry, and supply chain management. They also had the opportunity to engage with top industry professionals, discuss, and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in this rapidly evolving field.

昆山杜克大学致力于为学生提供独一无二的学习机会,使他们能够有自信面对充满挑战而不断变化的世界。2023 年 3 月 24 日,来自昆山杜克大学张露瑶教授跨学科科研导向的学生们有幸研学访问了位于中国上海的万向区块链股份有限公司。通过这次身临其境的体验,学生们了解了区块链技术的各种应用以及其对金融、文创和供应链等行业的颠覆性影响。学生们还通过本次参访,与业内的顶尖专业人士交流,了解并探讨有关这一快速发展领域的最新趋势和发展动态。

DKU Field Trip to Wanxiang Blockchain

 Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc., formerly known as Wanxiang Blockchain Labs, was founded in 2017. Funded by China Wanxiang Holdings, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs is a non-profit research institution centered on blockchain technology, that provides support for research, entrepreneurship, developments, and applications in the industry, while also serving as a source of information for regulatory bodies. Overall, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs has been devoted to the promotion and application of the blockchain industry, and to investigating how the technology will contribute to the development of the economy and society. As the first research organization in China determined to support the development of blockchain technology globally, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs has been hosting global blockchain summits in China, which have become one of the most influential industrial events in Asia.

上海万向区块链股份有限公司前身为万向区块链实验室,成立于 2017 年。万向区块链实验室由万向控股集团出资,是一家以区块链技术为核心的非营利性研究机构,为区块链领域内的研究、创业、开发和应用等提供支持,同时也为监管机构整合、提供信息。 万向区块链实验室致力于区块链行业的推广应用,推动区块链技术助力经济社会发展。 作为中国第一家支持全球区块链技术发展的研究机构,万向区块链实验室已经在中国举办了全球区块链峰会,这也已经成为亚洲最具影响力的行业盛会之一。

Into the future: digital city

II. Field Trip Experience 研学经历

During the visit to Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc., students had the opportunity to explore the Shanghai (North Bund) Blockchain Demonstration Center, which is a state-of-the-art facility that showcases some of the latest innovations in the field of blockchain technology. This tour was led by Sr. Director Yukun Hao on behalf of Director Yu Du, who provided us with a comprehensive overview of the various application scenarios, such as digital finance, supply chain management, smart cities, and even implementation in real industry. Students were impressed by the cutting-edge technology on display, including advanced blockchain platforms and applications that have the potential to transform a range of industries. Sr. Director Hao also explained how the center is working with various organizations to develop customized blockchain solutions that can help address specific business needs and challenges. Director Hao also extended a warm welcome to the visiting scholars of Duke Kunshan University on behalf of Director Yu Du who is preparing for the Web3 Carnival in Hong Kong.

在参观上海万向区块链股份有限公司期间,学生们通过探索中国上海(北外滩)区块链应用示范展示中心,了解了目前区块链技术领域的最新创新成果。 本次参观由万向区块链实验室的郝总监带领,他为我们全面介绍了区块链在数字金融、供应链管理、智慧城市,甚至在实体行业落地等各种应用场景。 区块链技术的这些应用场景,特别是一系列先进的区块链平台和应用程序,都让学生们印象深刻。此外, 郝主任还讲述了该应用示范展示中心如何与社会上的各种组织合作,开发定制区块链解决方案,以助力解决不同的业务需求和挑战。郝总监也同时代表远在香港筹备Web3嘉年华的杜宇总监对昆山杜克大学师生的研学来访表示了热烈的欢迎。

DKU TO Wanxiang Field trip

During this visit, it invited four experts from Wanxiang Blockchain Labs to deliver keynote speeches on the potential impact of blockchain technology on various industries in society. These speeches provided the students with valuable insights and perspectives on the disruptive potential of blockchain technology.

本次访问期间,四位来自万向区块链实验室的专家就区块链技术如何赋能社会上各不同行业发表主题演讲。 这些演讲为学生们提供了关于区块链技术颠覆性潜力的宝贵见解和观点。

Chen Cui

The first keynote speaker was Ms. Chen Cui, the research manager of Wanxiang Blockchain Labs. Cui gave a detailed presentation on the potential risks associated with the crypto market, using the example of the recent collapse of the FTX, one of the previous largest centralized exchanges. She explained how the lack of proper regulation and oversight in the market could lead to major financial losses for investors. Cui emphasized the importance of regulatory compliance and risk management in the crypto market, in order to ensure the stability and long-term sustainability of the industry.

第一位主讲人是万向区块链实验室的研究经理崔晨女士。崔经理以最近的中心化交易所 FTX 暴雷事件为例,详细介绍了与加密市场相关的潜在风险。她用生动的例子向学生们解释了市场监管和相关法律法规的缺失会如何导致投资者遭受重大经济损失,并充分强调了加密市场监管合规和风险管理的重要性,以确保行业的稳定性和长期可持续性。

Yaojia Fan

 After lunch, Mr. Yaojia Fan led a discussion on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which are becoming increasingly popular in the digital world. Fan explained how NFTs could be used as digital passports for accessing various online assets and resources, including digital art, music, and even virtual real estate. He described how NFTs are becoming an essential part of the Web 3.0 ecosystem, enabling users to securely and transparently exchange digital assets without intermediaries.

午餐后,万向区块链实验室的范耀佳先生主持了一场关于 Web 3.0 领域最近爆火的非同质化代币(NFT)的讨论。 他结合具体生动的案例向学生们解释了 NFT 如何作为数字通证,来访问数字世界的资产和资源,其中包括数字艺术、音乐,甚至虚拟房地产。 此外,通过这些案例,他向学生们具体阐释了 NFT 将如何成为 Web 3.0 生态系统的重要组成部分,使用户能够在没有中间商的情况下安全、透明地交换数字资产。

Hang Xu

Next comes Ms. Hang Xu, a blockchain solutions architect at Wanxiang Blockchain Labs. Xu focused on the potential of blockchain technology to empower traditional financial institutions, such as traditional banks and insurance companies. She explained how blockchain could enable faster, more secure, and more efficient transactions while reducing costs and improving customer experiences. She also highlighted some of the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing blockchain solutions in the financial industry.

接下来演讲的是区块链解决方案架构师徐航女士。徐女士专注于利用区块链技术赋能传统金融机构,例如传统银行和保险公司,的应用场景,解释了区块链如何在降低成本和改善客户体验的同时实现更快、更安全和更高效的交易。 此外,她还结合几个具体的案例强调了未来在金融行业进一步扩大实施区块链解决方案的一些挑战和机遇。

Peng Ju

Finally, Mr. Peng Ju used several case studies to illustrate how blockchain technology can improve supply chain collaboration and management. Ju explained how blockchain can provide a secure and transparent platform for tracking the movement of goods and verifying the authenticity of products. He also discussed how blockchain can help reduce fraud, waste, and inefficiencies in the supply chain, ultimately benefiting both producers and consumers.



book blockchain

Before the field trip ended, Sr. Director Hao prepared several copies of "The Truth Machine: The Blockchain and Future of Everything" for DKU students, entrusted by Vice President Feng Xiao of Wanxiang Holdings. He encouraged students to learn more about blockchain technology through various channels and keep up with the trend of the times and science. With their generous gesture, leaders from Wanxiang Blockchain Labs showed their dedication to supporting education and empowering the next generation of leaders in the field of blockchain technology.


III. Post-Field Trip Reflection 访学反思

Through this field trip, students gained a deeper understanding of the real-world applications and implications of blockchain technology. They took the chance to observe first-hand the operations and facilities of a leading blockchain company, as well as ask questions and engage in discussions with the guest speakers. After the field trip, students actively reflected on this experience and shared their thoughts and insights with their peers. This reflection process not only helped them consolidate their understanding of the topics covered during the field trip but also enabled them to develop their critical thinking and analytical skills. Below demonstrates some examples of students' reflections: 

通过观察万向区块链实验室的运营和设施,并向演讲嘉宾提出问题,积极参与讨论,学生们对区块链技术的实际应用和意义有了更深入的了解。参访结束后,同学们积极回顾和反思此次经历,并与身边人分享了自己的想法和感悟。这种反思过程不仅能够帮助学生了加强了对本次采访所得的理解,还进一步加强他们的批判性思维和分析能力。 下面收录了一些学生思考:

I am Yiyang Chen, a sophomore student majoring in political economy with a track in Economics, Political Science, and Public Policy. I chose this major thanks to the assistance of DKU's interdisciplinary course system, which makes it feasible for me to explore various courses and topics that interest me.

我叫陈亦飏,是一名大二的政治经济学专业学生。DKU 独特的跨学科课程体系使我可以自由探索各种感兴趣的课程和话题,而这最终帮助我确定选择了这个专业。

This field trip is a precious opportunity for me to have the chance to discuss with the first-line researchers in the blockchain field. Especially about the governance challenges in regulating digital currencies, their concerns on offshore exchange and initiating domestic regulation are instructive to my research problem promoting. I learned that cryptocurrency regulation should stand on a global perspective to avoid hypesters manipulating the price. In all, this event provides me with deeper insights into how to dig deeper into my blockchain research.


Xintong Wu is a sophomore at DKU, majoring in Computation and Design/Digital Media. Interested research areas include UI/UX and digital marketing.


Through the engineer's sharing about the risks and regulatory issues in the crypto asset market, we explored the decentralization of the unlicensed blockchain among them and the security issues that may arise from the anonymity. It prompted me to further think about how to update blockchain contracts and existing policies to strengthen the regulation of industry norms and ensure the healthy operation of the market. It would be helpful to understand the current market demand and user pain points for my future research work.


Yiyuan Qin is a senior at DKU, majoring in Data Science. Interested research areas include green finance and climate change, and she plans to put her lifelong efforts into this field.


I am super happy to be able to go to Wanxiang to learn! Once my understanding of blockchain remained in the concept and traditional financial field applications, but in this event, I found that blockchain can be combined with a variety of fields, such as games, smart cities, and so on, I'm most interested in how blockchain can be integrated with green finance and the environment, such as tracking carbon footprints. And I have already carried out some related projects, which may have crucial reference significance for my future research direction and work.


Yutong Quan is a junior student majoring in Political Economy with an Economics track. Interested research areas include blockchain governance, decentralized finance, and interdisciplinary fields of Artificial Intelligence and economics. 



Visiting the Wanxiang Blockchain was an incredibly interesting and meaningful experience for me. Exploring the exhibition hall and conversing with the engineers expanded my understanding of blockchain from various perspectives. Previously, blockchain was merely a high-tech and academic research topic to me, but now it has become a tangible existence with practical applications. For example, blockchain technology can be employed to track the growth and development of cattle, or to build smart cities where everything is interconnected. Furthermore, the discussions on cryptocurrency risks and regulatory issues opened up a new direction of thinking for me. This field trip experience would inspire me to delve deeper into the field of blockchain and pursue further exploration.

参观万向区块链是一次非常有趣和有意义的经历。 通过对区块链展厅的探索以及与工程师们的交流,我从不同的角度拓展了对区块链的理解。 以前区块链对我来说只是一项高科技与学术研究课题,而现在它成为了一个更“接地气”的存在。 例如,区块链技术可以用于追溯牛的生长和发育状态,还可以用于建设万物互联的智慧城市。 此外,关于加密货币风险和监管问题的讨论为我开辟了新的思考方向。这次实地考察的经历将激励我在区块链领域展开更深入的研究和探索。

IV. Conclusion 总结

To conclude, the field trip to Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc. was a highly valuable and informative experience for Duke Kunshan University students. They were able to expand their knowledge and learn from leading experts in the blockchain industry, gain insights into the real-world applications of this technology, and engage in discussions and reflections that deepened their understanding of the potential of blockchain to transform various industries. This field trip provided a unique opportunity for students to connect theoretical concepts learned in the classroom to real-world practices and innovations and is an example of Duke Kunshan's commitment to providing its students with practical and experiential learning opportunities.


Blockchain Industry

V. Acknowledgement 致谢

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to three staff at Duke Kunshan University for their invaluable support in making this field trip to Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain Inc. such a success. First and foremost, we would like to thank Issac Zhu, for his unwavering support throughout the planning and execution of this trip.

我们想对昆山杜克的三位职员表示最诚挚的感谢,是他们的支持使得本次前往万向区块链实验室的参访取得如此成功。 首先,我们要感谢 Issac Zhu,感谢他在整个行程的规划和执行过程中给予很大的支持。

Isaac Zhu

 Isaac Zhu joined Duke Kunshan University on April 19, 2021, as the undergraduate academic activities coordinator. His main job responsibilities are providing comprehensive academic support for the smooth operation of academic activities for the undergraduate degree and non-degree programs at DKU. Working closely with DKU faculty and the other undergraduate academic activities coordinator, Issac will lead, manage, and initiate various academic activities including but not limited to class field trips, class activities, class guest lecturers, and other activities that enhance the student’s academic life. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Sports Management from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota in December 2011.

Isaac Zhu 于 2021 年 4 月 19 日加入昆山杜克大学,担任本科学术活动协调员。他的主要工作职责包括,为昆山杜克大学本科学位和其它非学位课程相关学术活动的顺利开展提供全面的学术支持。通过与昆山杜克大学教授和其他本科生学术活动协调员密切合作,Issac 领导、管理并支持各类学术活动,包括不限于实地考察、课堂活动、客座讲座以及其他丰富学生学术生活的活动。他于 2011 年 12 月获得明尼苏达圣玛丽大学市场营销和体育管理学士学位。

Additionally, we would like to acknowledge the efforts of Bingyao Hu and Shuqian Xu, who provided logistical support and made sure that everything ran smoothly. Bingyao Hu joined Duke Kunshan University on September 19, 2022, as Undergraduate Studies Office Coordinator, in the Office of UG Studies. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in December 2019, and her Master’s degree in International Education Policy from Harvard University in March 2022. Previously, she worked as a Research Assistant at China Development Research Foundation in Beijing from April to August 2021. Shuqian Xu joined Duke Kunshan University on November 18, 2019. She is the Senior Coordinator for the Undergraduate Program Division of Social Sciences. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Health Management and Communication from the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and Swinburne University of Technology in July, 2017. She received her Master’s degree in Human Resource Management and Advertising from the University of Queensland in December, 2019.

此外,我们还想感谢 Bingyao Hu 和 Shuqian Xu,她们提供了后勤支持并确保一切顺利进行。Bingyao Hu 于 2022 年 9 月 19 日加入昆山杜克大学,担任本科办公室协调员。她于 2019 年 12 月获得威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校数学学士学位,并于 2022 年 3 月获得哈佛大学国际教育政策硕士学位。此前,她于 2021 年 4 月至 8 月在北京担任中国发展研究基金会研究助理。Shuqian Xu 于 2019 年 11 月 18 日加入昆山杜克大学。她是本科社会学部的高级协调员。2017 年 7 月她获得南京中医药大学和斯威本科技大学健康管理与传播专业学士学位,2019 年 12 月获得昆士兰大学人力资源管理与广告专业硕士学位。 

VI Editorial Board 编辑部

Author: Tianyu Wu


 Tianyu Wu is a senior student majoring in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science/Math at Duke Kunshan University (DKU), and he is ready to go to Northwestern University to pursue a master of science degree in analytics this Fall. He has been devoting himself to interdisciplinary research on blockchain since his second year, and his current interest lies in adopting data science techniques to contribute to and empower the applications of blockchain technology.


 Photographer: Zichao Chen


 Zichao Chen is a senior student majoring in data science at Duke Kunshan University. He has two years of research experience in blockchain-related applications, including NFT, decentralized finance, and cryptocurrency. After graduation, he will go to Duke University's Master of Financial Technology program and continue to explore research topics such as blockchain and finance.



Advisor: Luyao Sunshine Zhang


Luyao (Sunshine) Zhang is Assistant Professor of Economics and Senior Research Scientist at the Data Science Research Center at Duke Kunshan University (DKU). She has an abiding passion for interdisciplinary collaborations, especially for cutting-edge research of both profound insights and practical impacts. Her current research interests are at the interplay of computational science and economics around the applications of Blockchain technology. She received Ph.D. in Economics at Ohio State University, supported by Presidential Fellowship and NSF dissertation grant. She graduated from Peking University with a B.A. in Economics and a B.S. in Math and Applied Math. She is currently supported by National Science Foundation in China for her research agenda entitled “Trust Mechanism Design on Blockchain: An Interdisciplinary Approach of Game Theory, Reinforcement Learning, and Human-AI Interactions.”

Know more about her at

张露瑶现任昆山杜克大学经济学助理教授及数据科学中心资深研究员。她目前致力于围绕区块链应用场景的跨学科和产学研。她广泛地涉足于包含计算经济学(算法博弈论和机制设计)、人工智能(机器学习和人机交互)、加密经济学(区块链共识机制及分布式金融)、行为经济学(有限理性、信任及合作)和跨学科大数据(社交媒体、可持续发展及全球健康)等多个前沿跨学科领域。她曾就读于北京大学,获经济学文学学士及数学与应用数学双学位,并获得包含国家奖学金、廖凯原奖学金,五四奖学金,三好学生标兵,北京市优秀毕业生等荣誉。她博士毕业于美国俄亥俄州立大学,获得跨所有学科最高荣誉的校长奖学金,优秀教学奖,JMCB奖学金等荣誉。她的博士毕业论文收到了美国自然科学基金的资助。她主持的名为“区块链上的可信机制设计:博弈论、强化学习和人机交互的跨学科方法”的项目获得了中国国家自然科学基金的资助。她同时荣获了全国高校人工智能与大数据创新联盟颁发的“区块链60人” 2022年度赋能中国区块链创新人物奖。 


The poster introduces Prof. Luyao Zhang’s research-oriented interdisciplinary courses at the interplay of computational and economic science at Duke Kunshan University. In Confucius's Analects, the master said “gentlemen should not be utensils.”  Let’s learn beyond boundaries!

research-oriented interdisciplinary courses at the interplay computational and economic science

海报介绍了张露瑶教授在昆山杜克大学开设的计算科学与经济科学交叉领域的研究型跨学科课程。论语有子曰:君子不器。 让我们学无边界。

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